Saturday, August 25, 2007


Get a cup of tea or coffee and go to the bathroom because this is going to be a long one……….

As I start today’s blog I must start my quoting Seattle Mariners’ commentator Dave Niehaus by saying “My oh my.” This has been an incredible couple of days. I must tell those of you that don’t know me my life is not normally this busy. I like to plan my weekends so that I get all my plans, housework and chores done on Friday or Saturday just so that I can relax on Sunday. Please don’t think that my life is always on the go.

Well let’s start at the beginning of Thursday morning. We headed out of the house about 11:00am. After several trips here and there we finally got on the road and down to the Edmond’s to catch the Ferry. We made it over to Camp Indianola in plenty of time to get good seats to watch Jordan’s play from Drama camp. They told us to arrive by 4:30 but the play didn’t start until 5:30.

The entire play took about 30 minutes. It was so cute to watch. All the kids did an excellent job. It was very impressive to see that they could pull this off in just four and a half days. I have a ton of pictures from the play. As soon as David has a chance to sit down tomorrow to get them on the computer I will post them to share with everyone. No I haven’t learned how to get the photos from camera to computer to the Internet yet. lol I have been a little busy as you can tell. lol

Ken seemed to like watching the play. He told his Aunt Melanie that it made him a little home sick to see the kids it reminded him of his brother. Ken is still adjusting to being so far away from home. Who can blame him he has to adjust to being away from home along with the whole culture shock as well. I must say he is doing real well, but nights seem to be the toughest when his mind gets the better of him. I can understand where he is coming from on many levels. But the number one is I used to be a child that got home sick A LOT. I think I was about 12 before I could stay the night at someone’s house. I was so bad that I couldn’t stay at my neighbor’s house in a tent 30 feet from my own house. I had a good time until it was time to go to bed, then I would cry and cry and cry to go home. (Sorry Pam and Angela) On the other hand I did go to China when I was Ken’s age and I did great. I can’t say I didn’t do it without a little homesickness, but I did make it.

Ken and Jordan sat together on the way home from camp. There wasn’t much communication passed between the two. But they seemed comfortable with each other. I am sure before long they will be enjoying each other’s company. I know Jordan feels much better having Ken in the next room. Before camp she was having some issues with being alone on the opposite side of the house as her dad and I.

They Ferry ride was fun on the way back. We had our Friend Pastor Michele…….yes another Michelle. But Pastor Michele spells her name wrong. LOL She seems to think that Michele only has one L in it. What was her mother thinking? Just kidding Michele. Ken laughed and said, “I haven’t meet very many people in America, but all their name’s seem to be either David or Michelle.” (Please see previous blogs if you don’t understand this joke)

Back to the Ferry……We all went outside to watch as the Ferry left Kingston. There was a beautiful sunset behind us lighting up the sky with multiple shades of purples, pinks and oranges. It was casting a beautiful light on the Mt. Rainier. I must say it reminded me why I love Washington so much. The whole combination and being with my family made it a good ending to a great day.

I think after the full day Ken was tired. He said he feel asleep about 3:00am. This is an improvement from the 5:00am the last couple of days. I am so glad that he has a couple weeks to adjust his personal clock before school starts. As you can see by the link to your left Vietnam is about 14 hours ahead of us. I can’t say much about my personal clock. It is 2:00am and I am up righting this blog. Right now I am not setting a good example for him.

Now onto Friday we got up about 9ish. Got showered and headed out the door about 11:00am. We went over to my work and I introduced Ken to my co-workers. Then we went and had lunch Julia, from work. We went to KFC. Then it was off to the High School to get Ken registered for school. We have his class schedule for the year. He is taking an English as a Second Language class. They will test him the first couple of days to see where he is at and then place him in the proper English class. He is also taking Pre-Calculus, US History, Citizenship, Choir, racket sports, web design and a couple more that I can’t remember. This is all spread out over the school year. I think it was all a little over whelming for him. It was for me to say the least. They don’t have it like when I was in high school. They now have X, Y and Z days. Each day has a different schedule. On X days we will only have three of the classes. One Y days he will have a couple more. Z days are a little combination of both. It is nuts I tell you. Next week I will go over it with Ken on what days are what he has each class. I will write it on his calendar and hopefully I understand it enough that I can explain it to him. Wish us both luck on that one.

After we got done with the school Ken wanted to go to the mall and do some shopping. We stopped at a bunch of different stores. Ken shopped around he got some shorts and a belt. I think he might have had a little bit of sticker shock on the prices of things here, but he did very well with finding stuff that was a good deal.

Then we stopped at Verizon wireless and got Ken a cell phone for the year. He was so proud of the phone. He was getting the phone all set up with all our phone numbers. I was a little shocked when he made a phone call to someone I was a little worried that he was calling Vietnam. He was calling friend who was in Minnesota on an exchange program. He was so pleased with all his new stuff. It was a pleasure to see his excitement. He was so cute to watch.

After the mall we went home and got ready for dinner. Our neighbor’s David and Michelle came over for dinner. Yes we seem to spend a lot of time with them. Believe it or not we have lived next to each other for five years and didn’t become friends until this last July 4th. Michelle (spelled the correct way) said tonight that she doesn’t know how we survived this long without each other. I tend to agree with her. We really enjoy each other’s conversation. It is kind of funny they bicker, argue and pick on each other as much as David and I do. It is all in a fun way.

As dinner tonight Ken asked for another hamburger. Yeah!!!! Michelle patted his stomach and said we needed to fatten him up. He laughed and said to her…”You dream of me?” Oh my gosh we all started laughing. It was wonderful to see him feel comfortable with us to let his sense of humor come out.

After dinner we headed out to go bowling. I really can’t remember all that happened at the bowling alley because it is late and my brain is falling asleep. I can tell you that it was continuous laughter and fun for everyone. Sorry to say we all suck at bowling and that is even with having the bumper’s up. But we had so much fun. Ken’s seems to be getting more and more comfortable with us. Michelle kept saying I just live him he is so sweet.

After bowling we went back to David and Michelle’s to watch the movie Independence Day. Ken seemed to like it. We didn’t get home until after midnight. That is why I am up so late writing this blog. I would have waiting until tomorrow, but I had a couple people…Michelle…complains that there was nothing for her to read. lol

Little side not for those of you that don’t know text language lol means laugh out loud.

That sums it up for the last couple of days. I am sure I left a few things out here and there, but this is already long enough. Keep watching I will be posting some photos real soon. I am sorry if there are a lot of errors in my blog tonight, but I am very tired.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle (or Michele?),
I'm Cuc, Ken's great aunt, an aunt of Ken's mother.I'm Vietnamese but from Quebec, Canada. My family and I are so touched by the warm welcome you give Ken .Another mother away from home. Ken has a nickname...Bean.Ask him why. Maybe that's why he likes your dad's bean. He gets along well with little brother and little cousins, so he'll get along well with your daughter soon, too.Love very much to read your "adventures". Write more. Best regards.Cuc.

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog! I had such an awesome time last night! Can't wait to do it again soon! :)