Saturday, November 10, 2007

Father & Daughter

Jordan sure does look a lot like her father.

Last night was the Me and My Guy Ball. That is the politically correct way to say Father Daughter Dance. Since some girls don’t have fathers it is the Me and My Guy Ball. It is a Girl Scout function that was started last year. Last night Jordan got to get all dressed up and be her daddy’s center of attention.

As you know beauty can take a while. Jordan wanted to have curly hair. So I did it the old fashioned way. The way my mother did when I was a little girl. I put her hair in rags, small strips of material cut up. Ours was an old sheet that I was going to throw away. Here is what she looked like the night before.

Here is what her hair looked like the next day. Mind you this is after a whole day in school. It was really curly before she left for school. My little sister Mandi helped Jordan get ready since I had to work until right before they left for the night. Mandi always does a great job putting make-up on Jordan. She puts just the right amount on for a girl Jordan's age. Thanks Mandi for all your help.

I picked this photo because is showed off the back of her hair and it also displayed Jordan’s favorite part of her dress. The way is flowed when she spun around. She was doing it over and over. I am really surprised that she didn’t fall down from being dizzy. Sniff sniff my baby is growing up.

1 comment: said...

Too sweet! Glad they both had fun. Jordan's smile speaks a thousand words. :)