Monday, February 25, 2008

Super Good Times

Everyone getting working on trivia questions

I know it has been forever since I have blogged so I am going to do a couple of entries now to get everyone caught up.

Lets first start with our Annual Super Bowl Party. I must say it was a success. My dad finally won something at the party. We had about 15 people at the party. I will post pictures tonight. Everyone but my dad wanted the Giants to win, it was in the last quarter that my dad jumped over to the Giants side, but that was only because if they made a touch down then he would win the buy a square money.
Watching the game!!
Dad all alone on the Patriots side. lol Well not all alone Karla was giving him a little company.
The kids seemed to really enjoy their own space this year. I rearranged my house…….yes again.(David was not liking me much. lol) Jordan got a new room. It was my storage room. I moved all the storage stuff in to Jordan’s old room’s walk in closet. It all fits perfectly I just can’t get any more junk. lol Then the room itself I made into a TV/Toy/Game room. The kids had that room and Jordan’s room to play. I think Stephani’s son Jay played on the Wii almost the entire Super Bowl game. The next day he told his mom that his arms hurt…..She told him “See I told you video games are evil.” Hehehe I think she got an eye roll and an Ahh MOM!!!
Sammy was checking out the big kids in the play room
Sammy and Summy breaking bread together.
Anyway there was lots of games and prizes won and played at the party. I think everyone had a great time. Our next big event will be our Annual Pre Ski-to-Sea Party. Our friend Jon Brunk is once again the official photographer this year. The party usually starts around 3ish and goes until the last person leaves. It is an open invitation to anyone that wants to come. Just bring a pot luck dish to share and what ever you want to drink. Burgers and Dogs will be provided.