Monday, May 12, 2008

Who Who Who!!!!!

I read a blog today that the author, Marcy was curious on who was reading her blog. I see that the visits to my blog are over 200. I too am wondering who visits and reads my blog.

So whoever reads my blog please leave a comment to this posts, even if you just leave your name that would be wonderful.

I would love to know who is reading. Thank you!!!!


Mackenzie said...

Hi Michelle~

It is Mackenzie from MCU. We moved to Fort Lewis in October. I have a beautiful 8 month baby boy, and my husband is doing his second deployment overseas in Afghanistan. said...

Of course you know your dad and I read your blog!!! But I know how nice it is to get messages. :)

Steph :o) said...

Well, duh, you know I read your blog! LOL! Isn't it crazy to see that you've had 30 hits in one day, and no one leaves a comment? It's like, "Who ARE you people?!" LOL!

Anonymous said...

Obviously I'm spying on you! You never call anymore...or maybe that's because I've washed my third cell phone & Don says NO MORE. :D Angela

Hilary said...

Hi! It's Hilary from Good Mail. I stop in at least once a week. :)

Anonymous said...

me me me!!!